Pilates works for those who want to improve their physical fitness as well as those who want to get rid of chronic pain, prevent injuries, muscle-skeletal rehab and more…
The Authentic Pilates Method promotes incredible benefits for your body, mind and spirit and our highly trained and experienced instructors will help you get the best possible results for your body.
Among The Benefits Of The Regular Practice, You Can Find:
- Strengthening your core – Power House
- Increase of strength, flexibility, mobility and endurance
- Improvement of body awareness and movement control
- Slow down aging process
- Improvement of general health
- Postural re-education, better alignment and reduction of bad posture symptoms
- Strengthening of back muscles, eliminating chronic pain
- Stress reduction
- Increase blood circulation and boost immunity
- Improve coordination and balance
- Improve muscle tone
- Relief of chronic back pain